Friday, December 30, 2011

Flash Back

As the year is gonna end up after a day,I was sitting in the porch with a cup of coffee this evening. I was going through some amazing memories which I was bestowed upon by my creator. The moment when I came back from my university and saw my car parked at the pavement, behind our house.The first concert I attended where I saw my most favorite musicians playing live.Being a part of Karachi-Tips.Fun with my friends and also with my relatives at the wedding of my uncle. This year was totally magical for me Alhumdulillah and I wish God willingly I get to experience more such amazing years in future.

2010 somewhere also managed to heal up so many scars, from 2009, which I call a nightmare in my life.Though I haven't gotten completely over it yet.I hope I do at some point in my life.While reminiscing the flash back of the whole year, I realized that I had developed trust issues with most of the people. At some instances I was right but their were such situations too where I was unnecessarily mean to my closed ones by making a fuss of every small issue, I am not supposed to do that, I freaked out a lot at certain points, but its a part of life I guess, u can't be good to everybody all the time, everyone goes through mood swings and so did I.

There were so many predicaments I had to face. Experienced quite a lot of impediments my way but in the end my creator abolished all the difficulties and through prayers I dealt with everything easily. All in all I love my 2010. I'll never ever forget it.

 I am now going to make a list of my resolutions for this year, they really help a lot to stabilize my personality and goals, throughout the year.I'll share it with you guys soon and I would love to know yours too. 

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